Another Design Crowd Winner

Revolve logo design design north east

This is our third design crowd winner since we started on the site in August. Having submitted over 30 designs the the site, only winning our third is only a 10% success rate. Baring in mind each design only take about 30 minutes to create, its money for nothing really ($200 each minimum) as these…

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The Door Doctor – WINNER

Design Crowd Winner. The Door Doctor

After 10 days since submitting the final changes for The Door Doctor, Gav finally received payment from for his winning design. Design Crowd took 15%, which dropped the prize to $300, then he will have to withdraw it from paypal and lose another 3.4% plus 20p from that. So from $400 at the start…

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Design Crowd Winner

Our Creative Director Gav Grieves today won a project for a logo design scooping a $360 payment in the process. There are still a few amendments to be done to the final design but as soon as Gav has completed the design and it gets approved we’ll get a image uploaded…

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